Thursday, February 26, 2009

Stardust and Swing

Today's post highlights a new artist you all should know about named Todd Murray. Todd's music is a fabulous combination of swing seasoned with a Broadway style sensibility, and Todd himself has the presence and showmanship of any singer in either genre. Some of his musical selections are standards, some songs he has written himself, but all are well-arranged and produced. Everything I've heard would easily fit in the background of a cocktail party, or hold its own as dance music for the lindy hoppers out there.

My aunt is neighbors with his mother, or some such story, so through a long and winding path I ended up listening to his newest album last week. I am especially enamored of "The Girl from Waco" and "Dream a Little Dream", and Todd conveniently has provided clips of these songs to listen to on his website.

Click on the link to visit Todd's website: Todd Murray Online

mp3 download here:

Cheers - Dan

1 comment:

  1. Dan,
    Thanks you for taking the time to listen and write about Stardust & Swing. I had a great time selecting these tunes, arranging them and ultimately recording them. It is even better to hear others who enjoy my music.
    And who is your Aunt who is friends with my mother?? T
